
Search results

  1. Urban Farm Tours Happening Throughout Columbus

    site. The location has been repurposed to grow food through a large-scale raised bed growing system. The ...

  2. Dropping a Course

    petition filed in the College Office. If, because of extenuating circumstances, you need to drop a course ...

  3. OSU Extension introduces 3 new signature programs, graduates 2

    sites as each team becomes fully functional. The OSUE signature programs provide an opportunity to: ...

  4. Golf Driving Range Coming to CFAES Campus

    be located at the Waterman Agricultural and Natural Resources Laboratory. This site was approved by ...

  5. ATI students designing bee-friendly landscape for A.I. Root

    enough not to be intimidating, but for a well-respected company and with very specific plant and site ...

  6. How to find an Internship Workshop

    Get tips for approaching the internship search using tools and resources like Handshake and networking. ...

  7. Graduate Professional Student Interview and Networking Workshop

    Review tips for interviewing and networking while providing you time to practive skills learned. Open to all CFAES graduate students.   ...

  8. Wily coyotes are howlingly faithful: Study finds 100 percent monogamy

     (pdf). The loyalty of coyotes to their mates may be a key to their success in urban areas, according to ...

  9. Oilseed crops bring back history, look toward future at Mellinger Farm

    and offer a workshop for the cooperative's Ohio members and other interested farmers. The oil, ...

  10. Stone Lab renovations 'will greatly enhance our ability to attract students and scientists'

    science." The Research Building also acts as the mechanical workshop for Stone Lab. Workers repaired and ...
