
Search results

  1. Dr. Francis Fluharty Retires After 35 Years of Service

    and growth, and the nutritional and immunological factors affecting the site of fat deposition and ...

  2. Your Guide to Welcome Week!

    You’ll travel to one of over 50 service sites around Columbus for a day of service. Breakfast and lunch ...

  3. Mullins attends National Collegiate Research Conference

    Technologyical Discovery, as well as workshops, a career fair, and Boston and Harvard tours. Mullins' ...

  4. Landscape and construction lab taking shape

    "sandboxes" similar to the testing stations installed at the landscape certification testing site. Ironically, ...

  5. Terry Lanker receives national award

    seminars and hands-on workshops throughout the US, and has served as a member of the Teleflora Educational ...

  6. Citation Help

    Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Title of the Database or Web site. Web. Date you accessed the ... Deere (Title of the Web site if distinct from the title of the work). Deere & Company (if there ... isn't a publisher or site sponsor use N.p.), 2013 (date of publication: day, month, year as available). ...

  7. Meat Judging: Coach Althouse

    Coach P. G. Althouse Year Photo Team Results 1961 John Peters; Don Lindsey; P. G. Althouse, Coach; ...

  8. Student Travel Fellowship Program

    Houston, Texas that will include a student career workshop, the International Livestock Congress USA, and ...

  9. Austin Ayars Memorial Scholarship Launched

    been a premier site for dairy judging teams from across the United States to visit and evaluate high ...

  10. Students Rose to the Challenge for the 2014 Ohio Dairy Challenge Contest

    OSU Columbus campus. The top teams in the novice division were: First place [photo at right] – Kayla ...
