
Search results

  1. Workshop Agenda

    Workshop Agenda: 9:00am-9:15am Welcome Tim Haab, Professor and Chair, OSU Department of ...

  2. Environmental Policy Initiative Announces Summer 2014 Research Grant Winners

    Pretty), and the modernization of Managua’s only municipal waste site, a source of livelihood for thousands ...

  3. Urban Agriculture Workshops 2017- Solar Energy

    Join us as Ryan Veith from YellowLite talks about solar engery in Cleveland, and how it could be useful to you in the garden. ...

  4. Urban Agriculture Workshop 2017- Basics of Transplanting into your Garden

    Learn about basic maintenance and best methods to transplanting into your garden. ...

  5. Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop

    Join OSUE and Quarry Hill Orchards' Ben Gammie at McGregor Home to learn the basics of pruning fruit trees and maintaining healthy trees for fruit production. The first portion of the class will be held indoors. Then, the class will head outside to M ...

  6. Inversion &Drift Mitigation Workshop


  7. Analysis: Ohio’s School Choice Programs Growing, Deserve Public’s Attention

    analysts say. (photo: iStock) Writer: Martha Filipic 614-292-9833 Source: Mark Rembert ...

  8. USDA Launches New Dairy Decision Tool that Ohio State Economist Helped Develop

    will host a number of workshops around the country to train producers and educators on how to use the ...

  9. Dig In! Workshop

    Dig In! helps community members gain the knowledge and skills necessary to plan, design, and build a thriving and sustainable community garden. ...

  10. Dig In! Workshop

    Dig In! helps community members gain the knowledge and skills necessary to plan, design, and build a thriving and sustainable community garden. ...
