
Search results

  1. Mission Possible: Positive Leadership ONLINE Workshop

    relationships. Beth Flynn is facilitating this workshop. Cost is $75 per participant. Register at ...

  2. TWEL Marja Bakermans Thesis

    1 km of each study site (e.g., % urban cover range = 0-53%; forest width range = 56-565 m) while ... productivity and site fidelity in urban riparian forests may be an underlying mechanism affecting Acadian ...

  3. Plant Power: Ohio Naturalist, Author to Speak on Protecting Ecosystems (PDF).   For more information, contact Hanselmann at or 614-247-1908.   EPN ...

  4. 2016 OARDC Soil Health Workshop

    The purpose of this workshop will be to expose educators to concepts of soil health and gain some ...

  5. 2016 OARDC Soil Health Workshop

    The purpose of this workshop will be to expose educators to concepts of soil health and gain some ...

  6. MIssion Possible: Positive Leadership Workshop

    increase productivity at work; and Improve working relationships. Beth Flynn is facilitating this workshop ...

  7. TWEL Gabriel Colorado Dissertation

    within 84 study sites representing a range of altitudes, from tropical lowlands at 400 m to low-montane ... mature forest) at 84 sites distributed from Colombia to Peru based on a stratified-random design. ... Distance-based line transect surveys (n = 3 per site) were used to quantify patterns of species richness and ...

  8. Overview of Aquaculture Extension’s last 5 months

    workshop to teach those interested. The day will be long but worth it. Topics are diverse and include pond, ...

  9. Wildlife research presented at annual conference

    wildlife science and management educational opportunities, participate in field trips and workshops, and ...

  10. “Fresh Market Tomato fertility – the never-ending battle against fruit physiological disorders”

    simple to use. We have taught and demonstrated the use of these instruments at workshops and field days ... Midwest Vegetable Variety Trial report is available at the Purdue University vegetable crops web site ...
