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  1. Information on the Environmental Protection Agency Air Quality Program 2 Diesel Fuel Price used for 2003 is assumed to be $1.10/gallon. 3 Diesel Fuel Price used for 2005 ...

  2. Estimating Alfalfa NDF in the Field

    mixtures is described at The PEAQ procedure is NOT ...

  3. ENR Graduate Exit Seminar

    Lawrence Woods site.  The underlying theme in the literature concerning soil resilience is the need for ... system is specific to the Lawrence Woods site. The primary objective is to generate a discussion amongst ...

  4. Studying Bacteria that Follow the Earth’s Magnetic Field

    of the researchers’ study, they will provide outreach activities, including a summer workshop for ...

  5. National Invasive Species Awareness Week

    address invasive species such as Ohio's Non-Native Invasives Professionals Workshop, May 17, 2013 on ...

  6. Ninety-five Percent Approval Rating for Dairy Housing and Animal Care from Consumers Who Have Been Down on the Farm!

    from wind, rain, snow, and mud. Maybe some day, we will learn to put a different photo on milk ...

  7. The Ohio State University named national champion in Environmental March Madness tournament

    “Sustainable 16.”   Those 16 schools were then given the chance to submit essays, photos and videos to the ...

  8. Encouraging Synergies between Human and Natural Systems: An Essential Step toward Sustainability

    a manufacturing site or farm, TES seeks designs that treat local ecosystems such as wetlands, trees and ...

  9. European Dairy Industry Study Abroad

    a cheese processing plant and one of the farms had on-site processing of milk, ice cream, and/or yogurt. ...

  10. Delay Placing Fly Control Ear Tags

    effective in controlling other fly populations that breed in sites other than manure. Certain systemic ...
