
Search results

  1. Multi Scholar Program Promotes Meat Science and Helps Puerto Rico

    filing a void, and to connect the dots from livestock practices to meat products and meat quality. I hope ...

  2. 2015 Midwest Regional Dairy Challenge

    Intercollegiate Dairy Challenge web site. ...

  3. Prevalence of Cryptosporidium, Giardia, Salmonella, and Cephalosporin-Resistant E. Coli Strains in Canada Goose Feces at Urban and Rural Sites in Central Ohio

    Strains in Canada Goose Feces at Urban and Rural Sites in Central Ohio in 245 Kottman Hall. Large ... and urban sites throughout the Greater Columbus. My central hypothesis was that prevalence of ...

  4. Sombrero Ranches Summer Internship

    advised to also recommend including some reference contact information, and including a full length photo ...

  5. In the News

    Cattle Letter. feat. Dr. Justin Kieffer Photo from 2016 Equine Open House and Buckeye Bonanza, which ...

  6. 2016 CFAES Alumni Awards

    Go to College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences alumni site. ...

  7. Resume Writing Workshop

    Kottman Hall This is a FREE workshop and all students are encouraged to attend this fabulous opportunity! ...

  8. You are Invited to the First Annual Buckeye Classic Meat Judging Contest

    Judging Coordinator. 614.292.3642  GO BUCKS!!! (Photo shows the 1948 Meat Judging ...

  9. TWEL Dissertation Graziano

    my research investigated the underlying drivers of colonization of novel breeding sites by ... pool-breeding amphibians, by examining the degree of breeding site connectivity in a managed forest and the ... populations may be enhanced by strategically placing breeding sites on the landscape that capitalize on ...

  10. TWEL Katie Robertson Dissertation

    our predictions, coyotes at highly urban sites (e.g., downtown Chicago) and coyotes in protected ...
