
Search results

  1. Bugs to Bonsai: Wayne County Fair Grange Rotunda Offers Demos

    Controlling Those Pesky Weeds- Paul Snyder, Secrest Arboretum operations manager and Master Gardener ... manufacturing. Thursday, Sept. 12             10: 30 a.m. Caring For Hydrangeas- Paul Snyder from Secrest ... from, how do you know which one to plant? Paul will discuss top performing plants from Secrest ...

  2. Wayne County 4-H Members Earn Scholarships For Their Efforts

    a Junior Leader, attended Buckeye Leadership Workshop and an Ohio State Fair exhibitor. He was a state fair ...

  3. SENR Seminar Series- Unraveling the impacts of anthropogenic hazards to nocturnally-migrating birds

    birds throughout the entire US can facilitate conservation through the identification of stopover sites ...

  4. A Day in the Woods program on "Night Flyers"

     for “Night Flyers”.  This special evening program by A DAY in the WOODS will take place at the Vinton ... Ohio’s night flyers—birds, bats, moths, and more Understand habitat needs and strategies to promote ...

  5. SENR Career Ambassadors

    networking events, workshops, and employer tabling. You will also be asked to sign up to make announcements ...

  6. SENR Career Engagement Certificate

    resources that are here to support your career journey, such as career fairs, workshops, career advising, ...

  7. Club Management Resources, Policies, and Procedures

      Club Management Documents Ohio 4-H Club Charter Checklist  (on file at county office) (revised 10.2022) ... Club Constitution  (on file at county office) (revised 4.2023) Bylaws Optional Template  (on file at ... Permission Form Release from Responsibility, Assumption of Risk, and Waiver for Participation |  pdf version ...

  8. As Cattle Producers Gain, Crop Farmers See Bottom Fall Out

    Management Clinic, 2025 Ag Outlook Seminar, Commodity Marketing Workshop, OSU Agronomy School, and our annual ...

  9. Cattle Dystocia Management Workshop

    Check back for more information ...

  10. Small Ruminant Dystocia Management Workshop

    Check back for more information ...
