
Search results

  1. Bed Bugs C. Wayne Ellett Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic at OSU, Advances in the Biology and ... but evidence of their association with humans is found in archeological sites dating back nearly 3,500 ... meal.  Bed bugs hide during the day in dark, protected sites. They seem to prefer fabric, wood, and paper ...

  2. LGBTQ+ Resources

    scheduling a workshop about supporting the LGBTQ+ community, their strengths, and the unique challenges they ... Inclusive and Nondiscriminatory School Environments for LGBTQI+ Students  (PDF) CDC: Supporting LGBTQ Youth ... LGBTQ+ Youth Workshop (June 21, 2021) The Trevor Project’s 2021 National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental ...

  3. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

    buffer. If the dead birds are put in the garbage, don't allow that truck access to the farm. Off-site ... PDF. Iowa State University College ... October 4, 2024. PDF. cdn ...

  4. Bumble Bee Pollination in Tomato Greenhouses

    greenhouse. Photo by Adobe Stock. Figure 1b. The interior of a commercial bumble bee box. The largest bee is ... the queen; all other bees shown are female workers. The bottom left of the photo shows a clump of ... un-emerged brood cells. Open brood cells of previously emerged workers contain nectar. Photo by Emily Runnion ...

  5. Is It Pine, Spruce, or Fir?

    Colorado blue spruce (Picea pungens), and white fir (Abies concolor). Photos by author. ... eastern white pine (five-needled). Photos by author. Spruce (Picea spp.) Spruces have needles attached ... images are of Colorado blue spruce (P. pungens) and Norway spruce (P. abies). Photos by author. Fir ...

  6. Money As You Grow Educational Workshop

    books to introduce important money concepts to their children. Adults who attend this workshop will ... that are readily available at public libraries. This workshop is free, but we ask that you register so ... workshop. For more information about  Money As You Grow, please visit: ...

  7. Selecting, Storing, and Using Fresh Herbs

    Eating. Fargo: North Dakota State University, 2016. PDF ... . Tufts University. 2017. “Maximizing Flavor with Herbs and Spices.” Health & Nutrition Letter. ...

  8. The Case for an Outside Board of Directors for Closely Held Farm and Agricultural Businesses

    image of table to download PDF). The Founder's Dilemmas. Source: The Founder's Dilemmas: ... 1(click image of checklist to download PDF) for considering the move to utilize an independent board for ...

  9. Interpreting a Soil Test Report

    test result parameters with optimal soil test values for most Ohio crops.   Table 2. (PDF download) ...

  10. Managing Marestail in No-till Soybeans

    resistant to both glyphosate and ALS inhibitors (site 2) such as Classic and FirstRate. Populations in some ... treatment with (from left to right) glyphosate alone, ALS inhibitor (site 2) alone, and a combination of ...
