
Search results

  1. Photos from the CFAES Gender Initiative Symposium 2016

    The first CFAES Gender Initiative Symposium took place on February 16, 2016. Welcome and Opening Dr. Sandy Velleman introducing the keynote speaker, Dr. Christine Daughtery Remarks from Acting Dean, Ron Hendrick Keynote address by Dr. Christine Daugherty ...

  2. Grow More Vegetables, Make More Money Workshop

    This two-day intensive retreat will help seasoned vegetable farmers advance their earning potential and enhance their management plans to boost soil fertility and yield. Led by long-time organic farming expert Linda Halley, session topics for larger scale ...

  3. Urban Landscape Pest Management Workshop

    Conference Information This conference is intended for individuals who hold a current commercial pesticide license. If you do not have a current pesticide license, please visit our New Applicator page. Check In:  Check-in will begin at 7:45 a.m. until 9:0 ...

  4. Floral Arranging Workshop

    This hands-on class is designed to teach basic floral design, using plants found in the home landscape. Participants have the opportunity to create and take home an arrangement. Registration required. Fee $25.00 member, $30.00 non-member. ...

  5. Why 4-H SS

    workshop  to learn techniques necessary to teach youngsters the basic fundamentals of shooting AT CLUB ...

  6. Pollinators Workshop and Certification

    Are you Gardening (and Farming) for Pollinators? Everyone plays a vital role in the development and conservation of habitat that benefits pollinators, including bees, birds and butterflies. This session will focus on the practical steps gardeners and urba ...

  7. Diagnostic Workshop for Ohio State University Master Gardener Volunteers

    What:   Join other MGVs who love to learn and hone your diagnostic skills at the same time!  The morning session, "A Review of Insects and Diseases of 2015" will focus on the top pest problems observed in 2015 as well as an update on invasive in ...

  8. Post-award Grant/Contract Management Workshop

    May 19, 2016 10:00- 11:30 am Research Services 130 Please join us for Post-Award Grant/Contract Management.   During this session we will learn about: 1. Financial responsibilities in monitoring projects: who does what as the PI, department administrator, ...

  9. MGV Diagnostic Workshop

    Join other MGVs who love to learn and hone your diagnostic skills at the same time!     The morning session, "A Review of Insects and Diseases of 2015" will focus on the top pest problems observed in 2015 as well as an update on invasive insects ...

  10. 4-H Shooting Sports Adult Leader Training Workshop

