
Search results

  1. Christmas Tree Sale

    a 10% discount flyer. All proceeds go to benefit the Forestry Forum at OSU which gives out over $2,000 ...

  2. Leave the Tilling to Mother Nature

    Islam was part of a team of soil specialists who traveled to France to host four workshops on climate ... France. More workshops are planned for the summer in Ukraine and China, in the fall, in Uzbekistan and in ... workshops there. Cover crops planted on unplowed fields can help improve the performance of the fields ...

  3. South Centers Synergy:Pumpkin Power

    business filing procedures to legally form the Southern Ohio Growers Cooperative. OSU South Centers ...

  4. Data Management Plan (DMP) Tool Workshop

    requirements and expectations. To get the most out of this workshop, please bring a laptop to the session. ...

  5. Maps, Apps and MarketMaker Workshop

    from 12:30- 1:30 p.m. as she teaches Maps, Apps and Marketmaker. This workshop will teach you how to ...

  6. A Day in the Woods- Tree Identification

    identification skills and to learn to use other characteristics, such as bark, branching, tree form, and site to ...

  7. Wetlands for Wildlife

    Wetlands provide countless ecosystem services to local ecology and wildlife. This workshop will ...

  8. Prothonotary Warbler draws faculty member to Panama

    conserving their populations.   Photo courtesy of Chris Tonra. February 2015.   Faculty Research Chris Tonra ...

  9. Wooster Campus

    capitalizing on the agricultural biosciences. Located on OARDC's Wooster campus, the 95-acre site will ...

  10. Carnivore Co-existence in Forested Ecosystems: Insights from Non-invasive Sampling of Large Predators

    across multiple study sites in the US and abroad. Ultimately we are interested in how competition among ...
