
Search results

  1. Academic Program Strengthens Ties with African Agriculture

    seminars, workshops, internships and non-degree training programs. Additionally, deans from each of the East ...

  2. Chow Line: Watch the toppings for a healthy salad (for 9/11/11)

    the College of Education and Human Ecology. Martha Filipic Julie Kennel chow.salads.pdf False False ...

  3. Pruning Workshop- Shade Winery

    What: We will cut some buds indoors to assess winter damage. We will then go outdoors and demonstrate pruning and have hands on pruning Clothing: Please bring boots, rain/snow gear, gloves, pruning shears and questions Directions: South State Route 33, ri ...

  4. Researcher Improving Plant Production One Seed at a Time

    through student internships, faculty interactions, educational materials and courses and workshops. To ...

  5. CD Wire- August 14, 2012

    visit New Environmental Professionals Network ...

  6. Tree Liners Give Purpose to Retractable Roof Greenhouses

    walls and turn the nursery stock into a commercial production site without ever having to move the ...

  7. CD Wire- June 5, 2012 Behavior Change for a Sustainable World Conference- August 3-5: Ohio State is the site of the ...

  8. CD Weekly Wire- June 3, 2013

    Statistics, Amos, and/or NVivo software site licenses, they will be expiring on June 30. Please renew as soon ...

  9. Corn and Soybeans Trading Weather Now Until August Reports

    based on a survey of over 1,000 sites across the country. Because of the tightness in the market, any ...

  10. Campus Prepares for 'ArboBlitz' Oct. 5-8

    vital to our efforts to be recognized as a Tree Campus USA site," Maloney said. The goal is to ...
