
Search results

  1. Johne's Disease Testing Options: What has Changed?

    allowing someone else to raise the heifers at a completely different, but clean, site.  In another of these ...

  2. Photos from the CFAES Gender Initiative Symposium 2016

    The first CFAES Gender Initiative Symposium took place on February 16, 2016. Welcome and Opening Dr. Sandy Velleman introducing the keynote speaker, Dr. Christine Daughtery Remarks from Acting Dean, Ron Hendrick Keynote address by Dr. Christine Daugherty ...

  3. AEDE at the 2013 Farm Science Review

    Science Review features educational workshops, presentations and demonstrations delivered by experts from ...

  4. Ohio State Economists to Hold Water Quality Discussion During 2013 Farm Science Review

    Sponsored by CFAES, the Review features educational workshops, presentations, demonstrations and educational ...

  5. Managing Feed Costs for Lactating Cows

    Advisory Committee to the ODA. These meetings will be held both in the afternoon and evening at some sites ...

  6. Milk and Dairy Product Production Climbs- What's Down the Road for Milk Prices?

    options markets, and policy issues of importance to Ohio and Federal Order 33 producers go to my web site ...

  7. Ohio Poultry Owners Advised to Increase Biosecurity as Virus Spreads in Western U.S.

    Extension, Darke County, visit the Darke County OSU Extension web site at, the OSU ...

  8. Controlling Flies on Farms

    from their breeding sites. Sanitation Flies around dairy buildings develop in moist manure or other wet ...

  9. Innovative Agricultural Research Initiative Update: Project Cultivates Tanzanian Agricultural Expertise for Future

    participants were able to interact with the workshop's leaders. The result: Significantly higher exam ...

  10. Dairy Workshop Series- Dairy Economics

