
Search results

  1. Solar Technology Curriculum Workshop

    Please join us to learn about 5 lessons on solar technology, recently developed to help middle and high school students learn about solar photovoltaic and solar thermal technologies. Educators attending the training will receive a $75 stipend and a tote b ...

  2. OSU Green Home Workshop


  3. CD Wire- November 5, 2013

    Grant allows managers and supervisors to attend classes, seminars and workshops offered by Ohio State ...

  4. 2016 Ohio River Valley Woodland and Wildlife Workshop

    Registration starts at 8:30 am, the concurrent sessions start at 9:00 am and adjourns at 3:30. Join us for sessions on tree identification, raptors, managing aquatic plant and algae, pollinator habitat, invasive plant identification, and control, wood ide ...

  5. CD Wire- August 14, 2012

    visit New Environmental Professionals Network ...

  6. CD Wire- June 5, 2012 Behavior Change for a Sustainable World Conference- August 3-5: Ohio State is the site of the ...

  7. CD Weekly Wire- June 3, 2013

    Statistics, Amos, and/or NVivo software site licenses, they will be expiring on June 30. Please renew as soon ...

  8. CD Wire- April 9, 2013

    individuals to attend both the pre-conference workshop May 6 and the conference on May 7. For complete ...

  9. Career Expo Prep Workshop with Special Guests from the One Acre Fund & IGS Energy

    Get tips from College Career Counselor, Mary Mclaughlin, and Natalie Payne of IGS Energy on how to prepare for the Career Expo January 22nd! Also, hear from Ben Reid of the One Acre Fund about starting a career in International Development. Bring your res ...

  10. CD Wire- July 15, 2014

    opportunities for women’s growth, leadership and power at the university informing its efforts, SLS workshops ...
