
Search results

  1. What is the Meaning of Feekes Growth Stages in Wheat?

    A video may be found showing various growth stages at the following sites: Feekes 6: ...

  2. Fungicide Options for Soybeans

    (  Soybeans also have an uncanny ability to compensate for missing neighbors.  The profitability ...

  3. Spraying Insecticides on Soybeans and Honey Bees

    owner or caretaker of any apiary located within one-half mile of the treatment site has been notified by ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-42

    Management Practice to reduce the potential of manure moving off-site. This Practice Standard will also help ... online at ... Available at URL: ...

  5. Yield Forecasts for Corn

    -corn-yields-based-on-hybrid-maize-model-simulations-as-of-july-20th. In-season yield potential forecasts for the three Ohio test sites, Custar, S. Charleston, and ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-32 Granules – There are a number of granular insecticides that are labeled for rootworm control. All ... Pathology web site "Ohio Field Crop Diseases" at: ... the weeds, but removes the oviposition sites for this insect. Thus, when considering the benefits to ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-08

    locations are around 235 HU, central and northern sites are near 125 and 100, respectively. Thus, we would ... Remember that it is still too early to scout for potato leafhopper since they do not move into ... Seeding Rates on a Field-by-Field Basis. Adjust planting rates by using the yield potential of a site as ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-02

    36,000).   In 6 out of 10 site-years, we have found no difference in the optimum N rate for the different ... seeding rates.  In two site-years the higher seeding rate required more N, and in two other site-years the ... lower seeding rate required more N.    In 4 out of 10 site-years, the higher seeding rate did result in ...

  9. Seed treatments for watermolds and fungi are essential for Ohio’s poorly drained soils

    have been testing numerous combinations, formulations, and sites to get this right.  None of them are ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-14 cereal leaf beetle larvae Cereal Leaf Beetle The cereal leaf beetle is becoming the threat to ...  Pay close attention to the pre-harvest intervals, which range from mainly 21 to 30 days, although ... against leaf rust ( ...
