
Search results

  1. OCDC Seed Grants assist cooperative development

    Coalition (WVFFC) for use toward legal work, workshops, and network-building aimed at informing others of ...

  2. Friends of Secrest Plant Discovery Day

    A premier plant and art sale featuring hard-to-find annuals and perennials, herbs, woody plants and art for the home and landscape.  Children will enjoy the Bug Zoo and free tomato plant. Open to the public. Parking and admission are free. All proceeds su ...

  3. How to find an Internship Workshop

    Get tips for approaching the internship search using tools and resources like Handshake and networking. ...

  4. Graduate Professional Student Interview and Networking Workshop

    Review tips for interviewing and networking while providing you time to practive skills learned. Open to all CFAES graduate students.   ...

  5. SBDC Progress

    open house planning, flyer development and new product launches for our clients. Assistance with press ...

  6. Ohio 4-H Engineering team competed at National Contest

    and with income levels well above average. The team also attended educational workshops at Purdue ...

  7. Hands-on Horticulture

    irrigated land,troubleshooting problems, and conducting farm research on site. An immediate problem the ...

  8. Clinic and Writing Workshop

    For registration information, click HERE Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. Feel free to bring a sack lunch or snacks! Join us to learn about operating a diagnostic clinic, answering customer questions, and utilizing University resources.  Following the dia ...

  9. Winter Floral Arranging Workshop

    This hands-on class is designed to teach basic floral design, using plants found in the home landscape. Participants have the opportunity to create and take home an arrangement. Pre-registration required. Fee $25.00 member, $30.00 non-member. ...

  10. Endeavor Center Achievements

    sponsored or conducted 320 business workshops, training sessions and seminars with nearly 5,300 attendees ...
