
Search results

  1. Endeavor Center accomplishments

    cooperation with the Small Business Development Center of Ohio, sponsored or conducted 320 business workshops ...

  2. Body Mass Dynamics, Stopover Duration, and Habitat Conditions for Migrant Shorebirds in the Southwest Lake Erie Marsh Region

    an inland stopover site to analyze within and cross-seasonal changes in shorebird body mass and to ...

  3. Prevention and Treatment of Hairy Heel Warts

    contagious, and lesions are very painful. Photos of lesions can be accessed at Click ...

  4. Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth Problems Developing in Ohio – What Dairy Producers Need to Know

    via digital photos emailed to us or with visits to fields.  We would appreciate being informed ...

  5. Curriculum Development Workshop: Keeping our Gluten & Allergy Populations Safe

    For team members who want to develop a 2.5 hour curriculum! Curriculum will be submitted to the OCCRRA registry. Contact Marie Economos or Heather Reister for more information or if you have questions! Marie: or (330) 637-2229 Heather: ...

  6. Curriculum Development Workshop: Safety First

    For team members who want to develop a 2.5 hour curriculum. Curriculum will be submitted to the OCCRRA registry.  Contact Marie Economos or Heather Reister for more information or if you have questions! Marie: or (330) 637-2229 Heather: ...

  7. Ohio State Soil Scientist Elected President of International Scientific Society

      Dick has been an invited speaker worldwide for conferences and workshops and has been professionally ...

  8. 2014 Horticulture Research and Extension Achievements

    on-site educational modules and experiential "in-tunnel" learning showing practical application. ... attendees, this workshop was a huge success! Brad Bergefurd was the Conference Moderator for the day-long ...

  9. ENR Graduate Exit Seminar

    Lawrence Woods site.  The underlying theme in the literature concerning soil resilience is the need for ... system is specific to the Lawrence Woods site. The primary objective is to generate a discussion amongst ...

  10. Evaluating Sources

    site trying to sell you something? Does the author argue for one side only? Would the organization gain ...
