
Search results

  1. Webinar: The Second Pandemic: Understanding and Challenging the Rise in Anti-Asian Racism in the Wake of COVID-19

    the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences for the workshop, The Second Pandemic: ... Understanding and Challenging the Rise in Anti-Asian Racism in the Wake of COVID-19. This workshop will address ...

  2. Additional Sessions of "The Second Pandemic" Webinar Now Open for Registration

    the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences for the workshop, The Second Pandemic: ... Understanding and Challenging the Rise in Anti-Asian Racism in the Wake of COVID-19. This two hour workshop will ...

  3. DeviceReady: Marketing Your On-line Presence

    statewide can learn how to better manage their online presence to promote their businesses at a workshop ... Ohio State University. The DeviceReady marketing workshop is April 25 and will be led by specialists ... outreach arm of the college. The workshop is designed to offer business owners information on key marketing ...

  4. Ohio Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals (ANREP)

    open to any Natural Resource Education Professional. Bylaws (pdf) ...

  5. OSU Income Tax School- Dayton

    among the topics to be discussed during the upcoming Tax School workshop series offered throughout Ohio ... encounter when filing individual and small business 2020 tax returns,” said Barry Ward, Director of the Ohio ... certified public accountants, enrolled agents, attorneys, annual filing season preparers and certified ...

  6. May 22 Workshop: Have Your Landscape and Eat It Too

    workshop says yes, you can. “People have a renewed interest in growing plants that not only look nice but ... also can be used for food,” said Paul Snyder, program assistant in Wooster’s Secrest Arboretum, which ... is holding its first-ever Edible Landscaping Workshop on May 22. Participants in the event will get ...

  7. Willpower: Some Help with New Year’s Resolutions

    Psychological Science.  21 (11):1686-1693. Photo hugoisroger. Downloaded on December 10, 2021, from, ... ...

  8. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of March 3

    Pruning Workshop, 8 a.m.-noon, Secrest Arboretum, Seaman Orientation Plaza, Ohio Agricultural Research and ... Your Garden, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Godman Guild, 303 E. 6th St., Columbus. Workshop featuring garden planning ... deadline for Specialty Crop IPM workshop March 14 at the Natural Resources Conservation Service Field ...

  9. DEI Faculty and Staff Spotlight: Dr. Joyce Chen

    So pace yourself and make sure you have a support network to help keep you grounded. Photo credit:  ...

  10. Preparing for That Outside of the Box Emergency, Are You Ready?   OSHA has a section of their website devoted to Evacuation Plans and Procedures eTool, at ... mandate then tucked away in a filing cabinet and forgotten. It is time to dust off those plans, take ... other threatening disruptive behavior that occurs at the work site,” is the Occupational Safety and ...
