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  1. Iceland President Focuses on Green Energy During Ohio State Visit

    his lecture by logging on to the following Web site ...

  2. CD Wire- July 15, 2014

    opportunities for women’s growth, leadership and power at the university informing its efforts, SLS workshops ...

  3. CD Wire- July 14, 2014

    opportunities for women’s growth, leadership and power at the university informing its efforts, SLS workshops ...

  4. CD Weekly Wire- November 4, 2013

    Grant allows managers and supervisors to attend classes, seminars and workshops offered by Ohio State ...

  5. CD Wire- May 13, 2014

    Wednesday, May 14, from noon to 1 p.m. Portal to the Public cohorts participate in a series of workshops ...

  6. CD Wire- October 1, 2012

    Workshops (December 18 & January 16) Removal of For-Sale Extension Bulletins from Ohioline National ...

  7. Full List of 2015 Publications

    Christiaan Both and Peter P. Marra. 2015. Incorporating site and year-specific deuterium ratios (δ 2 H) from ...

  8. CD Wire- May 12, 2014

    Wednesday, May 14, from noon to 1 p.m. Portal to the Public cohorts participate in a series of workshops ...

  9. CD Weekly Wire- November 13, 2012

    Survey Extension Promotion Workshops (December 18 & January 16) Another RiV Update...Change in ...

  10. Workshop This Saturday (6/4) on Keeping Ohio Produce Safe

    June 3, 2011 BOWLING GREEN, Ohio – Ohio State University’s Fruit and Vegetable Safety Team reminds growers of its  Produce Safety Education Program  this Saturday (6/4). Reducing food-borne illness-- now in the news due to Europe’s deadly  E. coli  outbre ...
