
Search results

  1. Poinsettia's Poisonous Reputation Persists, Despite Proof to the Contrary

    and generally don’t require medical treatment, according to the Pet Poison Helpline. The site goes on ...

  2. OSU South Centers to Host Farmers Market Conference March 11-12

    Diverse Markets,” and will feature several workshops and sessions designed to   offer education relevant ...

  3. Ohio State Weed Specialists are Looking for Herbicide-Resistant Weeds

    at several sites in Ohio. “We are ideally looking for seeds from plants that survived a herbicide ...

  4. Save the Date: Farm Science Review Is Sept. 20-22

    can be used to provide useful local site-specific data including crop scouting and geo-referencing. ...

  5. Family Fundamentals: What to look for in credit card rewards programs (May 2013)

    Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. For a PDF of this column, click here. Polly Loy OSU Extension, Family ...

  6. Chow Line: Be safe, not sorry, when grilling food

    Environmental Sciences. For a PDF of this column, click here. Linnette Goard OSU Extension, Food Safety, ...

  7. Ohio State University to Offer Shepherd’s Symposium Dec. 14

    and goat) farmers do to help solve Ohio’s nutrient management issue?” Other workshop topics include: ...

  8. Do the ‘12 Days of Christmas’ Birds Live in Ohio?

    birds from, among other things, being proffered by the lovestruck at Yuletide. (All photos from iStock.) ...

  9. Chow LIne: Are you getting enough vitamin D?

    a PDF of this column, click here. Dan Remley OSU Extension, Food, Nutrition and Wellness Chow Line ...

  10. Big Data, Water Quality Focus of Conservation Tillage Conference March 3-4

    Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, will feature workshops and discussion on numerous farming issues, said ...
