
Search results

  1. Soil Health Workshop- Archbold

    8:00 A.M. Registration & Social Time Agenda •ECO Farming: Soil Ecology & Nutrient Recycling •Biology of Soil Compaction •Economics of Cover Crops •Keeping Nutrients out of Surface Water Lunch Break •Soil Demonstrations •Raising Homegrown Nitrogen ...

  2. More on Fall Herbicides with Regard to the Enlist System

    herbicide resistance in Ohio, which have reduced the utility of some herbicide sites of action.  So new weed ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-21

    A visual indication of soybean water stress includes flipped leaves (see photo).  The flipped leaves expose ... [URL verified July 2012] Pedersen, Palle.  2004.  Soybean Growth and Development.  Iowa State ... be lowered from the normal ones (; the threshold when ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-05

    publication is available as a pdf file on the OSU Weed Science website – OSU ... information on Stewart's disease of corn on the Ohio Field Crop Disease web site at ... Sheet AEX-520, available from your County Extension Office, or from the Ohioline web site ...

  5. Extension Emergency Policy and Operations

    “emergency and disaster” file available for all staff including selected secretaries. Minimum information in ... this file should include: Disaster Handbook (red, three-ring binder). This is your most valuable ... representative will maintain a duplicate file of all materials which should be in county files. A listing is ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-09

    uncoated MAP (page 34). The soil test P level was 23 ppm ... /Effect%20of%20Avail.pdf () reveals that in one out of three years broadcast applied diammonium phosphate ... growing point. For more information on this subject go to During ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-05

    web site at Additional ... There are three sessions.- Session I is 1 and 1/2 days on March 17-18, and focuses on Laser ... demand for organic food keeps growing, and an upcoming workshop will share with Ohio farmers how they can ...

  8. Mental Health Workshop

    The Pre-Veterinary Medical Association will be hosting Annie Abraham, clinical therapist, at The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine, on January 17th from 7-8pm in the VMCA. She will be addressing the topic of mental health and how to per ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-12

    C.O.R.N. newsletters. Growers can access this web site to help them determine the risk of head scab ... this web site provides links to information about the risk prediction model, the biology of the disease ... utilized by the model in lighter blue. Assuming that you will be looking at this site before your wheat ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-35

    rids the field of the weeds, but also removes potential sites for egg laying.  When considering the ...
