
Search results

  1. 4-H Helps Teen Transcend Learning Disability, Provides Beeline for Successful Future

    workshops in Illinois, Kentucky and Michigan. As he progressed, Shuman became more and more enthusiastic. ...

  2. How One Ohio County Responded to Shale Development

    upgrades in Jefferson County, Branagan said, adding that county and township officials had visited sites in ...

  3. High Cost of Foodborne Illness: New Study Provides State-by-State Breakdown

    Martha Filipic Editor: A PDF of the journal article is available from Robert Scharff for ...

  4. Important Issues in Water Quality and Nutrient Placement Conference

    climatology and environmental economics during a workshop and annual conference hosted by the Soil and Water ...

  5. Sustainable agriculture and agroecosystem services

    collected composite soil and plant samples over the years from geo-referenced sites of each replicated plot. ...

  6. Northeast Ohio Winter Grape School

    crops during a daylong workshop March 16 sponsored by the College of Food, Agricultural, and ...

  7. Spring Gardening Workshop

    Register ASAP: Call 330-533-5538 Join us to get inspired for the 2019 gardening season! Learn from two keynote presentations, do a make-n-take alcohol ink tile for the garden, choose from six breakout sessions, win door prizes, and have tons of fun! Garde ...

  8. Endeavor Center accomplishments

    cooperation with the Small Business Development Center of Ohio, sponsored or conducted 320 business workshops ...

  9. 2014 Horticulture Research and Extension Achievements

    on-site educational modules and experiential "in-tunnel" learning showing practical application. ... attendees, this workshop was a huge success! Brad Bergefurd was the Conference Moderator for the day-long ...

  10. Small fruit progress

    in Piketon. They were the Ohio Super Berry and Wine Grape Workshop in March, Ohio Super Berry, ...
