
Search results

  1. OSU Parks & Rec Society Kayaking Day Trip

    be found at Remember that to ...

  2. Reptiles & Amphibians of East- NE Ohio

    Check out the Flyer  HERE Join OSU Extension to learn about the life and habitats of Ohio's ...

  3. West Central Ohio Precision Agriculture Day: Combine and Drone Technology Sponsorship is due by July 1st to be included on the promotional flyer. Final details and ...

  4. TWEL Ashley Buchanan Thesis

    captured, color-banded, and promptly transported to one of five pre-determined release sites. Birds were ... sites were used to test for habitat features that influence stopover behavior and to control for arrival ... sites, processed, fitted with a radio transmitter, and released within the same site. Location data were ...

  5. Corn Yield Prediction

    x (avg. kernel #) divided by 85. Step 5. Repeat the procedure for at least four additional sites across ... average row number of 16 and an average number of kernels per row of 33. The estimated yield for that site ... for average shellout percentage. Sample several sites in the field. At each site, measure off a length ...

  6. Jay Wright- Graduate Program Exit Seminar

    at a high-traffic stopover (refueling) site in northern Ohio. We utilized an automated telemetry ...

  7. 2014 Ohio Soybean Performance Trials Available

    and Roundup Ready entries are statistically comparable within a maturity range (early or late). A pdf ...

  8. Project earns Emerging International Engagement Award

    both sites so far, experientially learning new skills. The Sister City relationship enhanced the impact ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-03

    insecticide, see the following web site ( for a list of labeled materials. ... the Agronomic Crops Team website: Feb 7 Soybean Production Workshop Start ... Decision Making Workshop Start Time: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM 
 County of Meeting Location: Shelby 

Name of ...

  10. Pruning Workshop- AARS Kingsville

    The second of two pruning workshops will be hosted by AARS- Kingsville.  The potential for very ...
