
Search results

  1. Curriculum Development Workshop: Keeping our Gluten & Allergy Populations Safe

    For team members who want to develop a 2.5 hour curriculum! Curriculum will be submitted to the OCCRRA registry. Contact Marie Economos or Heather Reister for more information or if you have questions! Marie: or (330) 637-2229 Heather: ...

  2. Curriculum Development Workshop: Safety First

    For team members who want to develop a 2.5 hour curriculum. Curriculum will be submitted to the OCCRRA registry.  Contact Marie Economos or Heather Reister for more information or if you have questions! Marie: or (330) 637-2229 Heather: ...

  3. Fall Agritourism Preparedness

    agritourism sites. A safe season is the goal for every agritourism operation. There are several ways that ...

  4. Early Childhood Education Workshop

    Participants will be able to apply NAEYC DAP's Core Considerations, Principles and Guidelines, and Effective Teaching and Curriculum into their daily practice.  A Developmentally Appropriate Practices (DAP) book and training materials will be provide ...

  5. Extension Emergency Policy and Operations

    “emergency and disaster” file available for all staff including selected secretaries. Minimum information in ... this file should include: Disaster Handbook (red, three-ring binder). This is your most valuable ... representative will maintain a duplicate file of all materials which should be in county files. A listing is ...

  6. 2014 Ohio Safety Congress & Expo

    and live demonstration workshop prepares rescue personnel for the unconventional agriculture ...

  7. Ohio State University Offers Agritourism Safety Tips for Consumers, Farmers

    a possible medical condition and take appropriate action. Invite your local fire department to do a site ...
