
Search results

  1. The Gregory S. Fehribach Center Summer Internship Applications Now Open!

    interests and/or career goals. Weekly professional development workshops have included topics such as ...

  2. Arbor Day Celebration- Free Seedling

    will begin at the Secrest Welcome and Education Center with the tree planting taking place on the ...

  3. Celebration of Nations- March 29th

    Celebration of Nations Tuesday, March 29 11:30 am-1:30 pm at The Secrest Welcome & Education ...

  4. CFAES Global Education

    on March 29th, from 11:30AM-1:30PM in The Secrest Welcome & Education Center. The event is ...

  5. World Food Prize and Norman E. Borlaug International Dialogue

    roundtable discussions, four interactive workshops, and over 35 side events focused on the following key ... Livelihoods, and International Cooperation. Attached to this email is the virtual flyer. Y ou can find more ... information about the speakers, roundtable discussions, workshops, and side event partners on the website.  ...

  6. Outstanding Student Recognition 2022

    a mobile device, then you may need to prompt the browser to download the file instead of previewing the ... file. If you are using a mobile device you will need to make sure that you have the MS Word app on your ... device.     If you have questions or are having difficulty with the application files, please contact me via ...

  7. Celebration of Nations- POSTPONED!

    been postponed.  POSTPONED until Tuesday, March 29 at The Secrest Welcome & Education Center 2112 ...

  8. Czech Theater and Culture Program

    political strife, and occupations. This Faculty-led experience will tour famous theatres, sites, museums, ...

  9. Marketing and Promotion

    following:  Posting flyers to the general bulletin boards Chalking on campus sidewalks Displaying table tents ... in Cafe Carmen Placing an announcement in the Buckeye Buzz weekly email newsletter Creating flyers ... Marketing and Promotion Resources ATI Campus Posting Policy Flyers and Table Tents Posting Approval Flow ...

  10. Ohio Wines Founders Memorial Scholarship

    based entirely on merit, and the recipient(s) will be recognized to the membership on the OWPA web site ...
