
Search results

  1. Container Gardening Workshop

    Learn how to grow beautiful plants and healthy produce in containers with Tim McDermott, Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator. ...

  2. 2016 OARDC Soil Health Workshop

    The purpose of this workshop will be to expose educators to concepts of soil health and gain some ...

  3. 2016 OARDC Soil Health Workshop

    The purpose of this workshop will be to expose educators to concepts of soil health and gain some ...

  4. Basic Goat Health, Nutrition and Diseases Workshop


  5. 4-H Helps Teen Transcend Learning Disability, Provides Beeline for Successful Future

    workshops in Illinois, Kentucky and Michigan. As he progressed, Shuman became more and more enthusiastic. ...

  6. TWEL Gabriel Colorado Dissertation

    within 84 study sites representing a range of altitudes, from tropical lowlands at 400 m to low-montane ... mature forest) at 84 sites distributed from Colombia to Peru based on a stratified-random design. ... Distance-based line transect surveys (n = 3 per site) were used to quantify patterns of species richness and ...

  7. High Cost of Foodborne Illness: New Study Provides State-by-State Breakdown

    Martha Filipic Editor: A PDF of the journal article is available from Robert Scharff for ...

  8. How One Ohio County Responded to Shale Development

    upgrades in Jefferson County, Branagan said, adding that county and township officials had visited sites in ...

  9. Wildlife research presented at annual conference

    wildlife science and management educational opportunities, participate in field trips and workshops, and ...

  10. School Offers Education Abroad Experiences

    volcanism, and glaciation through field excursions.  During the site visits, students witness a number of ...
