
Search results

  1. Dig In! Workshop

    Dig In! helps community members gain the knowledge and skills necessary to plan, design, and build a thriving and sustainable community garden. ...

  2. Dig In! Workshop

    Dig In! helps community members gain the knowledge and skills necessary to plan, design, and build a thriving and sustainable community garden. ...

  3. Dig In! Workshop

    Dig In! helps community members gain the knowledge and skills necessary to plan, design, and build a thriving and sustainable community garden. ...

  4. Analysis: Ohio’s School Choice Programs Growing, Deserve Public’s Attention

    analysts say. (photo: iStock) Writer: Martha Filipic 614-292-9833 Source: Mark Rembert ...

  5. USDA Launches New Dairy Decision Tool that Ohio State Economist Helped Develop

    will host a number of workshops around the country to train producers and educators on how to use the ...

  6. What’s the Value of an Agricultural Economics Degree? The Answer: a 98.7% Chance that You’ll have a Job after Graduation

    in 2009 on price analysis. Photo Credit: AEDE.   September 14, 2012   ...

  7. Volunteering is Good for the Soul

    include:  volunteering one hour a week filing papers at your kid’s school or volunteer one hour a week at ...

  8. Events in Hocking Hills This Winter

    “Wilderness First Aid,” REI workshop.  $225 for REI members, $255 for non members.  Register at ...

  9. New Website Available for Dairy Farmers to Register for Workshops Designed to Help Navigate New Farm Bill Dairy Programs

    COLUMBUS, Ohio – A new website that allows dairy farmers to sign up to participate in meetings offered statewide to help them navigate the intricacies of the 2014 farm bill new dairy programs, is now up and running. The training is provided in part by exp ...

  10. Ag Degrees in Demand: Ohio State University Agricultural Graduates Report Positive Job Outlook

    to start my new career.”  Photo: Recent agriculture and natural resources graduates with ...
