
Search results

  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-29

    websites and ... adjacent to US Rt 20 between Bellevue and Monroeville. The actual site of the Field Day is just south of Rt ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-30

    allows for the use of several different herbicide sites of action within the soybean crop.- This approach ... determine the rate needed to maximize production ( ... Over 8 site-years in Washington State, use of a non-leguminous cover crop (rye or ryegrass) did not ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-25

    of any apiary located within one-half mile of the treatment site has been notified by the person no ... see some rotational benefits (2 out of 4 locations) with legumes, but at the two sites were ... scientists will host a field day on August 14 at our research site near Clarksburg, where we have been ...

  4. Secrest After Hours, Wooster

    Speaker and topic TBA ...

  5. SENR- Soil Health Workshop

    200 (Wooster) Stefanie Richardson.972 Monday, November 14, 2016- 8:15am to 1:00pm ...

  6. Secrest After Hours, Wooster

    Walk and discussion on the importance of pollinators. Free admission and parking. Details. ...

  7. Secrest After Hours, Wooster

    Selecting and Planting Trees for a Quaility Environment, followed by a guided walk and refreshments.  Details. ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-12

    yield increase for eight different seed treatments averaged over five test sites was 1.6 bushels per ... acre. Those test sites were selected because they had a very low potential for disease. Over time, the ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-10

    8 site-years of information collected from the Hoytville research station (maintained by Greg LaBarge). On ... in each of the 8 site-years, in 3 of those years additional revenue could have been generated with ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-24

    sites. Micronutrients Most micronutrient metals are directly affected by soil pH. As the pH decreases, ...
