
Search results

  1. Muck Crops Field Day

    manager. The workshop will also offer growers information on several research trials being conducted at the ...

  2. 4-H Horse Bowl/ Hippology/ Judging Clinic

    Event Details: This event is open to all 4-H youth and adults in Ohio. The clinics and workshop will be ...

  3. EFNEP

    classrooms, after-school programs/camps, and summer feeding sites. EFNEP is funded by the National Institute ...

  4. MXC- Making Extreme Counselors- Ohio 4-H Center

    MXC is a national award-winning workshop that will be useful for all potential camp counselors. ...

  5. Two Warren County Teens Take 2nd at the 2014 Film Fest 4-H

    2015 about a film workshop just for Ohio 4-H. For more information about the film making project or ...

  6. 4H Members Across Ohio Boost Leadership Skills and Civic Engagement at 4-H’s Citizen Washington Focus

    the country to travel to Washington, DC and participate in civic workshops, committees, and field ...

  7. Citizenship Washington Focus

    and hands-on educational workshops, youth will learn about the  history of our nation, the leaders who ...

  8. Spring Workshop: Gardening at your Doorstep

    REGISTER HERE   COST: EARLY BIRD $45.00 per person before February 1, 2019   $55.00 beginning February 1, 2019 Includes: Continental Breakfast, Lunch catered by Williams on the Lake, and door prizes!   BOOK SIGNING and books available for purchase as well ...

  9. 1970's

    represents the second generation of his family to provide a site free of charge for 4-H camping. He carries ... always inspired youth and encouraged them to come to his Hardin County home workshop for help and ...

  10. Winter Floral Arranging Workshop

    This hands-on class is designed to teach basic floral design, using plants found in the home landscape. Participants have the opportunity to create and take home an arrangement. Pre-registration required. Fee $25.00 member, $30.00 non-member. ...
