
Search results

  1. Greenhouse Workshop

    Date: Friday, January 21 Location: Mahoning County Extension Office To Register: Download and fill out registration form HERE; call 330-533-5538 for questions Cost: $35 per person (CORE and Category 5 Pesticide Credits will be available) Agenda: 9:45 – 10 ...

  2. Mahoning County 4-H Endowment

    4th Annual 4-H Endowment Dinner with Silent and Live Auction-  FLYER Saturday, April 18, 2020 ...

  3. Sew Fun Saturday

    stitches on your sewing machine. The workshop will have you working with specialty threads, twin needles, ...

  4. Government Academy Workshop 4: Conflict, Dispute Resolution, and Dealing with Difficult People

    WORKSHOP 4: Conflict, Dispute Resolution, and Dealing with difficult people Taught by Dr. Jackie ... and subject matter experts. WORKSHOPS *CLE Pending January 17, 2019, 5:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. Strategic ... Medina 6300 Technology Lane Medina, OH 44256 COST $50 per workshop Select 5-9 workshops and use coupon ...

  5. Government Academy Workshop 3: Public Meetings and Board Procedures

    WORKSHOP 3: Public Meetings And Board Procedures Taught by Kyle White and David Civittolo of OSu ... experts. WORKSHOPS *CLE Pending January 17, 2019, 5:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. Strategic Planning 101 February 21, ... Technology Lane Medina, OH 44256 COST $50 per workshop Select 5-9 workshops and use coupon code Pick5 (case ...

  6. Government Academy Workshop 2: Agriculture Agritainment Aritourism and Food Insecurity

    WORKSHOP 2: aGRICULTURE, aGRITAINMENT, aTRITOURISM, AND fOOD iNSECURITY Taught by Amanda Osborne ... WORKSHOPS *CLE Pending January 17, 2019, 5:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. Strategic Planning 101 February 21, 2018, 5:30 ... Technology Lane Medina, OH 44256 COST $50 per workshop Select 5-9 workshops and use coupon code Pick5 (case ...

  7. Government Academy Workshop 1: Strategic Planning 101

    Workshop 1: Stratigic Planning 101 Taught by Kyle White, Myra Wilson and Cindy Bond of OSU ... experts. Workshops *CLE Pending January 17, 2019, 5:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. Strategic Planning 101 February 21, ... Technology Lane Medina, OH 44256 Cost $50 per workshop Select 5-9 workshops and use coupon code Pick5 (case ...

  8. OARDC Vehicles Reporting Requirements

    Motorpool Office file and recorded in the mechanized vehicle maintenance record maintained by the OARDC ... maintained in a local vehicle maintenance folder and the OARDC Motorpool Office file. Additionally, all ... maintained in the vehicle or a local file within the department. Maintaining these logs fulfills a University ...

  9. Backyard Chickens

    is required for this workshop. Please register no later than Monday, February 24th, 2020. Though this ...

  10. Pond Management

    land is the watershed. Proper site selection, design, and construction are essential to the success of ... Water Conservation District (SWCD). They are responsible for helping to get proper permits, site ...
