
Search results

  1. Scholarship winner attends Women in Ag summit

    State student to apply and be awarded a scholarship for the Women in Agribusiness Summit. In the photo ...

  2. Calendar of Events

      Check out some of these upcoming events! 1/5 & 1/12- Home Buyer Education Workshop (Columbus, OH)  – ... Ohio State Extension in Franklin County has a free home buyer education workshop series. This program ...

  3. 2019 CFAES Assessment Award

    Required qualifications: Undergraduate, graduate, or co-curricular programs with assessment plans on file ...

  4. National 4-H SS Code of Ethics

    file If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer, you can download it here for ...

  5. Learning and Relationships: Practical Strategies

    workshop with a draft plan for how you can either deepen something you already do or introduce a new ...

  6. Baseball with the Buckeyes.jpg

    field for the National Anthem and we'll even take a post-game photo on the field. $12 includes ...

  7. Deadline- 4-H Event Youth Assistant (4HEYA) Application

    are “off-site,” but members will be notified of the location prior to signing up for an event. Youth ...

  8. 4-H Week

    (pdf  | word) Promoting Ohio 4-H Week- (pdf  | word) Radio Scripts- (pdf  | word) Ohio 4-H Week ... Brochure- (pdf  | word) 4-H Cloverbud Brochure- (pdf) 4-H Opportunities Ohio 4-H members have many options ... different programs, projects, and opportunities for Ohio 4-H members. PetPals- (pdf |  word) Pilot Dogs- ...

  9. OSU Youth Poultry Judging Clinic

    Click HERE for a flyer with more information. ...

  10. Volunteers

    download a two-page PDF of the results. Ohio 4-H State Volunteer Survey Results ...
