
Search results

  1. Food Preservation & Canning 101- 2 part workshop

    101 workshop. Both sessions are free of charge and no registration is required.   Session 1: Saturday, ...

  2. CFAES Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Offers Workshops

    workshops in CFAES include:   June 7 (10 a.m.-12 p.m.) — Implicit Associations, Insidious Assumptions: ... You In/Out for Causing Harm    Visit to learn more ...

  3. Spotted Lanternfly Update- News to Know

    and look for the pest in their own landscapes or places they frequent.   *This photo illustrates ...

  4. Sneak a Zucchini on OUR porch

     flyer   The Ohio State University Extension in Lucas County invites you to celebrate the annual ...

  5. Woodland Water and Wildlife LIVE! July 12

    The Ohio Woodland Stewards Program is hosting a Woodland Water and Wildlife LIVE! workshop on July ...

  6. NAEPSDP Accepting Session Proposals Due June 28

    conference. They include presentations (30 minutes), workshops (60 minutes), lightning talks (5 minutes), ...

  7. Money Management

    we recommend registering for our free Money Management workshop. If your credit score is greater than ... Management workshop is a total of eight hours (two four-hour sessions). You must attend both sessions to ... workshop in advance  here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information ...

  8. Minding the Brand: Talking about Templates

    flyers, research posters, social media graphics, meeting agendas, and more.    Over the past few months, ...

  9. Home Buyer Education Virtual Workshop

    programs The Home Buyer Education workshop is a total of eight hours (two four-hour sessions). Those who ... Please register for a future session.  This workshop will be held via Zoom. The link to access the class ... free to use. Home Buyer Education workshops taught by or on behalf of OSU Extension are offered as an ...

  10. SNAP-Ed

    schools and community sites that meet certain free and reduced lunch criteria. For example, our OSU ... food options. SNAP-Ed is completed as a series of workshops or lessons, each providing evidence-based ... employment activities.) If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the ...
