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  1. Additional Resources

    file of Food Preservation Resources (PDF) Food preservation videos Can Tomatoes in a Water Bath Canner ... purchase. Ohioline Food Canning Basics So Easy to Preserve Live Healthy Live Well Freeze Dry blog series PDF ...

  2. Interdisciplinary team to improve predictive wildland fire models with novel sensing

    research that will secure extramural funding. Source: Roger Williams, Photos by and ...

  3. The Value of Community Strategic Plans in Corporate Location Decision-Making

    identifying sites and developing them as green fields to attract business investments. This is taking place at ... of the community and more importantly, could expedite the site selection decision-making process. ... 2017). The program can also encourage existing businesses to expand their current sites and facilities ...

  4. Freshwater Science Webinar- Advancing Stormwater Management at Great Lakes Marinas with Green Infrastructure

    tangible results: demonstration sites with best management practices, an online toolkit website, and water ...

  5. Cicada Killer Wasp

    because of their exceptionally large size and activity around nesting sites. Males have especially ...

  6. College Savings Options Clark, K. (2019). Roth and traditional IRAs for college savings accounts. Retrieved from ... a Coverdell ESA. If adjusted gross income is $110,000 or more ($220,000 if filing a joint return), you would ...

  7. Alia Dietsch

    multilevel modeling, survey/sampling, geospatial) Links to associated lab or research web sites The National ... conservation. White paper developed for participants involved in a social science workshop at the 2014 North ...

  8. Hot Water and Chlorine Treatments to Eradicate Bacterial Plant Pathogens from Vegetable Seeds

    water baths. Table 1 (click to download PDF). Hot Water Treatment. Instructions The following equipment ...

  9. New funding empowers climate and weather education

    through direct experience and resources. Regional workshops and an online course are also planned. ...

  10. Know The Rules When Employing Minors on Your Farm When Can Minors Work? The answer depends upon the age of the employee and whether school is in ...
