
Search results

  1. OSU at IFT mixer

    Attendee Registration and Housing Links box on the home page of the registration site. You can also call ...

  2. Chow Line: Have Fun and Be Food Safe When Tailgating

    devices that can be plugged into a car power outlet can also be used. If you plan to grill food on site at ...

  3. Better Process Control School

    permitted, but please notify us as soon as possible so that materials can be properly identified. On-Site The ... for companies at their location. A minimum of 15 attendees is required for on-site presentations. To ...

  4. National Farm Safety and Health Week

    to like us on Facebook. Our social media site will post daily safety and health messages each day of ...

  5. Fall Agritourism Preparedness

    agritourism sites. A safe season is the goal for every agritourism operation. There are several ways that ...

  6. 'A Game-Changer': Rapid Infrared Analysis Could Streamline Food Processing Tests

    information we are looking for. “I equate the spectrum to a panoramic photo. It contains a lot of information, ...

  7. Clinic and Writing Workshop

    For registration information, click HERE Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. Feel free to bring a sack lunch or snacks! Join us to learn about operating a diagnostic clinic, answering customer questions, and utilizing University resources.  Following the dia ...

  8. MGV Writing Workshop

    For registration information, click HERE Interested in writing articles for the Vindicator or other Extension events?  If so, or if you’ve written in the past, join us to learn about different writing techniques and all the writing “Dos” and “Don’ts”.  Th ...

  9. Urban Agriculture Workshops 2017- Solar Energy

    Join us as Ryan Veith from YellowLite talks about solar engery in Cleveland, and how it could be useful to you in the garden. ...

  10. Urban Agriculture Workshop 2017- Basics of Transplanting into your Garden

    Learn about basic maintenance and best methods to transplanting into your garden. ...
