
Search results

  1. Club Management Resources

    Club/Affiliate Yearly Financial Summary  - This form is required to file IRS tax documents on your clubs behaf  ... Charter Checklist  (on file at county office) (revised 10.2022)  Club Constitution  (on file at county ... office) (revised 4.2023) Bylaws Optional Template  (on file at county office) (revised 4.2023) *Club ...

  2. We're Hiring! Summer Student 4-H Program Assistant

    March 15.   Apply Here Summer Program Assistant Flyer ...

  3. Pruning School

    Download PDF copies of pruning presentations: Apple Tree Pruning Peach Tree Pruning Grapevine ...

  4. Build a Better Summer Recipe Virtual Workshop

    Join OSU Extension Educators to learn how you can build a “better” (healthier) recipe ahead of your summer gatherings and celebrations. You will learn about the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and how to make simple shifts to better meet the recommendati ...

  5. AG Credit Pee Wee Showmanship Day

    must have access to the choses species already on the fairgrounds.   Please see the information flyer ...

  6. How to become a Master Gardener Volunteer

    site, and advertise in print and online media in Franklin County. Trainings are held every other year. ...

  7. Spring Gardening Basics Class

    excited to offer a great spring gardening workshop!  We are getting some sun and some nice weather.  Right ...

  8. Online Fruit Pruning School

    Join us for a two-part, online workshop to learn proper pruning techniques to improve production ...

  9. Parenting & Relationships

    of this 3-part parenting series is $15.00 per person. Flyer and registration found here.  ...

  10. Planning for the Future of Your Farm

    Ohio "Planning for the Future of Your Farm" workshop on February 2nd, 2024, from 9:30am-4pm ... the Future of Your Farm Flyer ...
