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  1. Advanced Food Process Design

    Cross-listed in FdScTe. Graduate 3.0 FDSCTE7430Syll20.pdf Autumn 2023 Dennis R. Heldman In Person Columbus ...

  2. Student Spotlight: Cassie Leigh Collins

    a consultant and graduated college as an engineer, so he took me to multiple different job sites." Outside ... future site of the Ohio State and Voyager joint venture laboratory that will allow researchers to test ...

  3. Agenda

    made after this date. [PDF] Conference Guide, active links [PDF] Conference Guide, print version, ...  a.m.- LUNCH BREAK 1:00  p.m.- Photo slide show 1:10  p.m.-  Panel-Food Justice, Moderator: Michaela Oldfield ... 3:15  p.m.- Navigating for Success/New staff recognition 3:20  p.m.- Photo slide show 3:30  p.m.- Apple ...

  4. New USDA AFRI Award Brings the Power of High Throughput Phenotyping to Perennial Crops

    and evaluated at an array of sites globally.  This project represents a unique collaboration between ...

  5. Color in Photos Can Make Food Look Tastier

    An appealing photo of a pizza or other menu item can help a restaurant increase sales – especially ...

  6. V.M. Balasubramaniam

    short courses, webinars, workshops and pilot plant demonstrations. Dr. Bala is a Fellow of Institute of ...

  7. Phytotechnology and Phytoremediation

    FABENG 5520 Engineering principles of using plants for remediation of contaminated sites and ...

  8. Advanced BioSystems Workshop- Dr. Shah

    Room 100 (Wooster) Ajay Shah’s Advanced BioSystems Workshop its virtual but his students will be ...

  9. FCS Fact Sheets

    Ohio Produce [PDF] Apples- HYG-5507 Asparagus- HYG-5508 Beans- HYG-5509 Beets- HYG-5510 Berries- ...

  10. Heat and Mass Transfer in Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering

    and ecological systems. Prereq: 2110, or 2120, or 3120. Undergraduate 4.0 FABE 3130 Syllabus 2020.pdf ...
