
Search results

  1. Introduction to Research Computing at the Ohio Supercomputer Center

    workshop include high performance computing concepts, hardware and software available at OSC, how to move ... data on and off the systems, and storage and file systems. Participants who bring a laptop computer ... will be able to connect to the supercomputers during the workshop. OSU wireless is available in the ...

  2. Preparing NSF Proposals Using

    new Proposal Preparation and Submission Site. Covered topics will include NSF accounts ... and roles, guiding PIs in creating a new proposal and granting access to other users, uploading files ...

  3. Pesticide and Fertilizer License Information

    a license. 3. Send in a  completed application form (click for downloadable pdf) and $30 license fee to ODA. ... apply to sites accessible to the public and private companies such as landscapers and lawncare services. ... Extension Office only has private license study materials on site.  The ODA also hosts test prep trainings ...

  4. Wonder Woman Wellness presents Career Wellness

    goals, while also providing you personal fulfillment. This workshop will discuss the basics of career ...

  5. IN PERSON Pesticide and Fertilizer License Recertification

    PM (Pesticide Portion, CORE and categories 1-6)   This will be an IN-PERSON workshop, pending any ...

  6. Top Tier Program

    pdf file of graphs (Regression (R) and Survey (S) ranges) Visit the NRC web site for details on the ...

  7. Harry A. J. Hoitink

    10-14, 2008, Guyaquil Simon Bolivar Convention Center, Guyaquil, Ecuador.  Presentation (pdf) and the ... presentation text (pdf) Suppression of Plant and Animal Diseases with Composts. Talk given on Feb. 27, 2008 at ... Interactions Between the Host, the Pathogen, the Biocontrol Agent, and Soil Organic Matter Quality (pdf ...

  8. New 4-H Volunteer Selection Process

    a secured file cabinet. This information will be kept on file for a minimum of three years following the ...

  9. Graduate

    pdf file of graphs (Regression (R) and Survey (S) ranges) Visit the NRC web site for details on the ...

  10. 41st Annual OEFFA Conference 2020

    Visit for more information Nearly 80 educational, inspiring workshops on ... On-site lodging and more! ...
