
Search results

  1. Write Winning Grant Proposals

    The Office of Research is hosting a grant writing workshop on September 13th. Registration ... the cornerstone of Grant Writers' Seminars and Workshops LLC's seminar programs. It ... associate member of Grant Writer’s Seminars & Workshops, LLC since August 2008. Peg founded the Office ...

  2. Finding Funding Workshop

    workshop, where you will learn more about using the SPIN funding opportunities database and accessing other ...

  3. Postdoc Orientation: The Essentials at James Cancer Hospital

    the opportunity to participate in an interactive workshop. Interactive panel discussions will feature: ...

  4. Could mosquitoes spread Zika in Ohio? ‘Chances are very low’: OARDC scientist

    Peter Piermarini at (Photos: Peter Piermarini by Ken Chamberlain, CFAES; Aedes ...

  5. Wheat Field Day

    and what various seeding rates look like,” she said. “The hands-on portion of the workshop offers ... able to discuss the results of last year’s trials during the workshop, she said. As of the week ended ...

  6. Organic Crop Field Day

    their exchange sites, leaving them “balanced,” said Doug Doohan, acting director of the OFFER program. ... OARDC is an excellent site for multiple types of research related to organic production,” he said. ...

  7. New greenhouses give OARDC, Ohio a competitive edge

    improvement from the greenhouses that previously occupied this site.” “The new facility will enhance the ...

  8. Pumpkin Field Night

    and disease control, said Charissa Gardner, program assistant with South Centers. “The workshop is ...

  9. Wheat Field Day

    away information from this workshop that they can successfully apply to their operations,” he said. “So ...

  10. Teaming up with farmers to protect Ohio’s water

    surface and subsurface runoff at the sites. To contact the scientist: Elizabeth Dayton at ...
