
Search results

  1. Urban Farm Tour- Converting Vacant Land

    site. The location has been repurposed to grow food through a large-scale raised bed growing system. The ...

  2. Urban Farm Tours Happening Throughout Columbus

    site. The location has been repurposed to grow food through a large-scale raised bed growing system. The ...

  3. Fall Agritourism Preparedness

    agritourism sites. A safe season is the goal for every agritourism operation. There are several ways that ...

  4. Ives Hall

    was dedicated on November 20, 2003 (photo below), and is located at the southwest exterior wall of the ...

  5. Recruiting Engineers Day 2013

    workshops on applying to graduate school with tips on writing a great personal statement, career services ...

  6. Timothy Ursich- Agricultural Engineering Student

    I have also been able to visit many construction sites and was even able to go out to Inez, Kentucky, to ...

  7. Ira Kuenzli- Agricultural Engineering Student

    involves traveling to test sites to do live application tests. I had the opportunity to travel to central ...

  8. Secrest Arboretum Autumn Walk

    Walks call your attention to seasonal treasures and best practices for your landscape. Free, guided tour. Dress for the weather. Pre-registration is helpful, but not required. ...

  9. Extension Emergency Policy and Operations

    “emergency and disaster” file available for all staff including selected secretaries. Minimum information in ... this file should include: Disaster Handbook (red, three-ring binder). This is your most valuable ... representative will maintain a duplicate file of all materials which should be in county files. A listing is ...

  10. Low-Down Judging Workshop

