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  1. Let's Jam, and learn more about jam making and food preservation!

    Enjoy a hands-on jam making workshop, plus learn more about basic home food preservation using the ...

  2. Professional Development Training Program for Graduate Students and Postdocs

    professional development workshops. Participants can sign up to attend open sessions on Friday, to attend the ...

  3. National Occupational Therapy Month

    independence for people in agriculture. This program conducts on-site assessments for the worker to determine ...

  4. Economic Assistance Available for Dairy Farms

    this web site or call 877-508-8364 for additional assistance.  While documentation is not collected at ...

  5. Don’t let arthritis or chronic pain stop you from gardening: Garden carts, rolling work seats and storage

    work site, or if you would want to bend over and push the cart into place. Think about how high and low ...

  6. Safety and Health Topics for your Winter Programs

    on workshop   Contact Dee Jepsen at   Ohio AgrAbility Program Topics Farming with ...

  7. Soil Health and Water Quality – How Does It Affect Me? A Look at Edge of Field Studies and NCARS Water Samples.

    hops on June 9 at the next installment of the 2016 Vegetable Workshop Series. The series is led by ... college. The workshops, which began in April, begin with breakfast at 7 a.m. on the second Thursdays of the ... Fremont. The workshops are free. No reservations are necessary. Topics for the remaining workshops are: ...

  8. Pepper Evaluation and Field Walk – Bells, Bananas, Jalapenos

    hops on June 9 at the next installment of the 2016 Vegetable Workshop Series. The series is led by ... college. The workshops, which began in April, begin with breakfast at 7 a.m. on the second Thursdays of the ... Fremont. The workshops are free. No reservations are necessary. Topics for the remaining workshops are: ...

  9. Sweet Corn Evaluation, Field Walk and Taste It for Yourself

    hops on June 9 at the next installment of the 2016 Vegetable Workshop Series. The series is led by ... college. The workshops, which began in April, begin with breakfast at 7 a.m. on the second Thursdays of the ... Fremont. The workshops are free. No reservations are necessary. Topics for the remaining workshops are: ...

  10. The OSU Food Safety Program – What Can It Do for You?

    hops on June 9 at the next installment of the 2016 Vegetable Workshop Series. The series is led by ... college. The workshops, which began in April, begin with breakfast at 7 a.m. on the second Thursdays of the ... Fremont. The workshops are free. No reservations are necessary. Topics for the remaining workshops are: ...
