
Search results

  1. Seneca County 4-H Apparel

    online through Thread Designs by Friday April 21, 2017.  Order forms are in a PDF format.  If you can not ...

  2. New Start for Financial Success

    information For full details and a registration flyer, please click here. ...

  3. EFNEP

    classrooms, after-school programs/camps, and summer feeding sites. EFNEP is funded by the National Institute ... of community sites throughout Cuyahoga County and combines new information with interactive ...

  4. Edibles in the Landscape

    mass, or as a single specimen. It does well in most sites, but does prefer a well-drained soil. An added ...

  5. OSUE Annual Conference- December 9-11

    team photo. Think O-H-I-O, but in a 100 formation. We look forward to highlighting your team. Photos ...

  6. Darby Conservation Tour

    Park’s state-of-the-art nature center! Tour Flyer ...

  7. Annual Chadwick Arboretum Plant Sale

    Designs by Cherie, Sharpening on Site, Sunapple Studio, Out of the Moon, Nancy’s Treasures, Plant-a-Rock ... will be live, and a food truck will be on site from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. For more ...

  8. 4-H Older Youth Opportunities Workshop

    for teens.  To find out more, come to the 4-H Older Youth Opportunities Workshop. ...

  9. GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) Training

    for the produce farm, greenhouse, and backyard gardener.  The ½ day workshop focuses on preventing ... microbial contamination of fruit and vegetables.   The workshop presenters are all specialists from Ohio ...  The workshop does not provide formal certification in GAPs.  That certification requires a farm audit ...

  10. Western Ohio Precision Ag Day

    will be free but registration is required by July 8 for an accurate lunch count. Precision Ag Day Flyer ...
