
Search results

  1. Ohio State Leads Effort to Prep Students for Biobased Careers

    externship opportunities, and workshop and conference participation. “The ultimate goal is to increase ...

  2. Youth Gardening Programs for Educators and Others Coming in Fall

    management, site selection, sustainability and more. The program, which includes registration to two optional ...

  3. Northwest Nutrient Management and Placement Field Day

    reach a field’s potential but limit the exposure to losses off-site that affect water quality.” Harmful ...

  4. Western Nutrient Management and Placement Field Day

    reach a field’s potential but limit the exposure to losses off-site that affect water quality.” Harmful ...

  5. National Farm Safety and Health Week

    to like us on Facebook. Our social media site will post daily safety and health messages each day of ...

  6. Gwynne a Green Spot at Farm Science Review

    For 362 days a year, the site, called “the Gwynne” for short, is used to demonstrate and teach about ...

  7. Important Issues in Water Quality and Nutrient Placement Conference

    climatology and environmental economics during a workshop and annual conference hosted by the Soil and Water ...

  8. Farm Bill Crop Safety Net Enrollment Deadlines Approaching

    allocated by the Feb. 27 deadline, then the farm’s current yield and base acre allocation presently on file ...

  9. Northeast Ohio Winter Grape School

    crops during a daylong workshop March 16 sponsored by the College of Food, Agricultural, and ...

  10. NOAA, Partners Predict Significant Summer Harmful Algal Bloom for Western Lake Erie

    colleges are part of the effort. A link to download a PDF of the report is at NOAA’s ...
