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  1. 4-H New Volunteer Application Deadline

    volunteer in the past year, or those who do not have a current record on file will need to complete the new ...

  2. Effective Meetings for Student Organizations ...

  3. Revised Course Approval Style Manual now available

    guidelines for elements to be included in course syllabi.  A PDF copy of the manual is attached and available ...

  4. Small-Scale Landscape Certification Test Oct. 12

    the test, just send them out to the test site at the back side of the SK parking lot.    *Note: The ...

  5. Scarlet, gray make a brownfield green: OARDC team turns waste into soil

    sewer system. In test plots at the site, a biosolids-based soil blend made by Basta and team worked ... waste from steel mills that used to be on the site. “You have to bring in the soil [to restore the ... site],” Basta said in a Dec. 16 story in TerraDaily. “Why not connect the dots and bring in what’s ...

  6. 4-H New Volunteer Application Deadline is February 1, 2016

    who do not have a current record on file will need to complete and submit the new volunteer ...

  7. Holmes County 4-H Dog Training Class

    held on Memorial Day if youth are available 2017 Dog Program: Important Dates! flyer ...

  8. Carts

    right in photo) Tall, black, metal cart: 24.5" x 18.5" x 42.5" tall electric cord is ...

  9. Computer Labs and Services

    also function as public computing sites when not being used by classes. Most sites are open to students ... on a first-come, first-served basis. Each public site offers some of the following: Windows computers ... drives E-mail access BuckID Printing & Photocopying Printers in the public computing sites and ...

  10. Eight students attend MANRRS national meeting in Kansas

    Arch and the adjacent Old Court House, site of the infamous Dred Scott decision.     1st row: Brooke ...
