
Search results

  1. Wooster Campus

    capitalizing on the agricultural biosciences. Located on OARDC's Wooster campus, the 95-acre site will ...

  2. Local Foods Farm Tour: Slate Run Vineyard

    a PDF flier to print or share! In the meantime, learn more about your host at Slate Run Vineyard by ...

  3. Write Winning Grant Proposals

    The Office of Research is hosting a grant writing workshop on September 13th. Registration ... the cornerstone of Grant Writers' Seminars and Workshops LLC's seminar programs. It ... associate member of Grant Writer’s Seminars & Workshops, LLC since August 2008. Peg founded the Office ...

  4. Modeling Workshop for Style Review

    This workshop will help 4-Hers prepare to model their outfits as part of their judging. Members of ...

  5. Finding Funding Workshop

    workshop, where you will learn more about using the SPIN funding opportunities database and accessing other ...

  6. Is it Illegal to Move Firewood out of Butler County? The Ohio State University Extension Factsheet can be viewed at: ... For more information on TCD,  visit or call OSU Extension, Butler County ...

  7. Solar Leasing Workshop

    OSUE Associate Professors Peggy Kirk Hall and Eric Romich will share information and resources on solar leases:  what a lease should include, considerations for long term leases, limitations by entering a lease and costs/income associated with entering in ...

  8. Solar Leasing Workshop

    OSUE Associate Professors Peggy Kirk Hall and Eric Romich will share information and resources on solar leases:  what a lease should include, considerations for long term leases, limitations by entering a lease and costs/income associated with entering in ...

  9. Deadline to Register for Mindful Extension- Fall Series

    of Medicine Meet as group for 1 hour per week on-site (4 weeks total) Content and structure of weekly ...

  10. Local Foods Farm Tour: Schultz Valley Farms

    here and find a PDF flier to print or share! In the meantime, learn more about your hosts at Schultz ...
