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  1. USDA Projects Dairy Production to 2030 The following paragraphs and figure are taken from the report. Milk production is projected to rise at ...

  2. Dairy Calf Management Workshop

    Wayne County is hosting a Dairy Calf Management Workshop on Tuesday, March 8 from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm. ...  The workshop consists of morning classroom sessions and an afternoon on-farm session.  Raising dairy ... purpose of the dairy calf management workshop is to help participants: Improve the growth efficiency of ...

  3. Assessing Winter Damage and Evaluating Alfalfa Stand Health

    evaluation includes stem counts and digging plant roots. Select random sites throughout the field and ... evaluate the plants in a one-foot square area. Check at least one site for every 5 to 10 acres. Increasing ... along with color photo illustrations, that can be used to make a root health assessment ...

  4. Ice Cream for Everyone

    and Secrest Arboretum’s research plantings.   In celebration of 5 years and the renewal of campus, the ... the Secrest Overlook where the natural restoration of the impact of the tornado on the Arboretum can ...

  5. Assessing Calf Death Losses in a Beef-Dairy Crossbreeding Program

    heifers were raised on-site at a different facility. Pregnancy diagnosis was performed weekly for cows (32 ...

  6. Addressing 2019 Agricultural Challenges-or- Dealing with the Impacts: Q&As for a Weird Weather Year

    with providing answers to help farmers address wide-ranging issues. Visit this web site ... know what you are thinking about. Check out other helpful sites, including your OSU Dairy Industry ...

  7. Buckeyes Win National Dairy Judging Contest

    through email or a call.  If you would like to follow our trip, we will post daily photos on our Facebook ...

  8. Northeast Ohio Dairy Survey Results Released

    responses can be found in the survey summary, which can be found at: ... /DairySurveySummary2013.pdf. ...

  9. OARDC Vehicles Reporting Requirements

    Motorpool Office file and recorded in the mechanized vehicle maintenance record maintained by the OARDC ... maintained in a local vehicle maintenance folder and the OARDC Motorpool Office file. Additionally, all ... maintained in the vehicle or a local file within the department. Maintaining these logs fulfills a University ...

  10. Making High Quality Baleage Hall M., and J. Williamson, “Bale Density Effects on Baleage Quality” Penn State Extension, May ... that the plastic is not punctured, allowing oxygen to enter and spoil the forage, due to storage site ...
