
Search results

  1. Sowon Kim

    Sowon Kim PhD Candidate 317 Ag Admin ...

  2. CFAES Alumni Awards

    be offered on-site. Registered guests will receive a parking pass via email. Registration: Opens ...

  3. Shared Harvest, from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The ... provide verbal self-attestation for income, while providing a photo ID and a piece of mail to verify residency. ... supplying a piece of mail with your current address (Photocopies or photos saved on their phones will be ...

  4. Ag business owners learn about sources of capital at Money to Grow

    of the Small Business Administration (SBA), the workshop invited a variety of organizations that ... A highlight of the workshop was the ability to hear from Tami and Wayne Mercer of Circle M Meats. The Mercers ... workshop. They went on to say it is nice to know there are other agriculturally based businesses that they ...

  5. New guide designed to help launch more student agricultural co-ops

    interactive learning activities and workshops, and toured co-ops in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metro area. Dr. ... of students in attendance.” [Photo: “ Dr. Tom Worley shared the student-led cooperative approach and ...

  6. Amy W. Ando

    AndoCV OSU.pdf- Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working paper Policy brief Presentation ...

  7. Explore, Connect, Collab

    and Serving up Change- A Food Ethics Workshop for Food Service. Location: OSU South Centers 1864 ...

  8. Home Food Preservaion

    Educator, for a food preservation workshop. Topics covered will include:     Equipment     Supplies ... workshop. *All-American canners cannot be tested For more information, please contact Tina McGillvary at ...

  9. Shared Harvest

    food distribution. A family receiving food will need to bring photo id and a piece of mail and will ... to attend this event and receive food. Anyone picking up food should drive to the distribution site ...

  10. Shared Harvest

    food distribution. A family receiving food will need to bring photo id and a piece of mail and will ... to attend this event and receive food. Anyone picking up food should drive to the distribution site ...
