
Search results

  1. 4-H New Volunteer Application Deadline

    volunteer in the past year, or those who do not have a current record on file will need to complete the new ...

  2. Calendar of Events

    offerings by going to and clicking on an image of the show site. Within that image, people can ...

  3. Home Buyer Education 1 Workshop

    OSU Extension, Franklin County offers home buyer education workshop series designed to assist ... Development (HUD)-certified and City of Columbus-approved. The workshop series have been restructured to be ... a home. In addition to the workshop, you will receive one-on-one budget and credit counseling. Individuals ...

  4. Home Buyer Education 1 Workshop

    OSU Extension, Franklin County offers home buyer education workshop series designed to assist ... Development (HUD)-certified and City of Columbus-approved. The workshop series have been restructured to be ... a home. In addition to the workshop, you will receive one-on-one budget and credit counseling. Individuals ...

  5. The 2017 Master Urban Farmer Graduation

    urban farming delivering the ceremony's address. The 10-week urban agriculture workshop series ...

  6. Healthy Cooking Classes

    Seidita will be on site with: Basic nutrition information Strategies for preparing healthier food on ...

  7. Sharing best practices with local produce growers

    their produce during a Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) workshop, hosted by the OSU Fruit and ...

  8. 2018 Master Urban Farmer Workshop

    This series is an intensive educational program consisting of 11 evening workshops designed to ... the workshop content will be introductory, individuals who already have some experience growing or ...

  9. Columbus Urban Farm Tour #1

    transforms vacant and underutilized sites in underserved neighborhoods into productive, sustainable urban ... Wheatland Farm, the second farm site, which is currently being transformed into a thriving farm. The farm ... operates on one acre of land at a former hospital site that has been repurposed to grow food through ...

  10. MGV Quarterly Workshop

    MGV Quarterly Workshop RSVP: ...
