
Search results

  1. Terry Lanker receives national award

    seminars and hands-on workshops throughout the US, and has served as a member of the Teleflora Educational ...

  2. Programming for Adults

    FAQ.   The adult EFNEP workshops are traditionally taught in a series of eight weekly, 60-90 minute ...

  3. Citation Help

    Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Title of the Database or Web site. Web. Date you accessed the ... Deere (Title of the Web site if distinct from the title of the work). Deere & Company (if there ... isn't a publisher or site sponsor use N.p.), 2013 (date of publication: day, month, year as available). ...

  4. Costs of Nutrients, Comparison of Feedstuff Prices, and the Current Dairy Situation

    Dr. Normand St-Pierre, Dairy Extension Specialist, The Ohio State University (top of page) pdf ... file The milk and feed markets have clearly gone up over the last few months – nobody has missed this.  ...

  5. Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference

    to our web site: Additional information also is available by ...

  6. A New Income Tax Deduction

    site at for further information. ...

  7. Youth Dairy Program Updates

    judging workshops that are being held in February and March in preparation for the Ohio 4-H Dairy Judging ...

  8. Applying Manure to Tiled Fields

    discharge prior to application, or have on-site means of stopping the discharge from subsurface drains. ... rainfall event, the site should be allowed to drain to below field capacity, so that the soil has the ...

  9. Dairy Educational Forum and Open House

    Links, click on Dairy Educational Forum or go directly to the site at ...

  10. Spring Alfalfa Stand Evaluation

    rating system, along with color photo illustrations that can be used to make a root health assessment. ...
