
Search results

  1. New Bike Racks on Campus

    in photo 3) to keep them from falling and allow users to lock the frame and wheel of the bike with ... a hard-shackled U-lock (photo 4), which is more secure than thin rope locks or simply locking one’s wheel. ...

  2. Thomas Blaine, PhD Blaine, T.W., Lichtkoppler, F.R. (2016).  Factors Affecting Stakeholders' Willingness to Pay ...

  3. Common Plant Names Cause Common Misconceptions

    (Lonicera canadensis) which may be confused with the non-natives. On a recent tour through Secrest ...

  4. Current Graduate Students

    instructors with the work of running a course, such as grading or driving students to field sites. Such ... coaching and workshops on topics such as effective note-taking, good study habits, and beating ... procrastination. The  Research Commons  provides workshops and one-on-one consultation with research support ...

  5. Animal Sciences Professor Dr. Stephen Boyles recognized as CFAES Distinguished Teacher

    invited by the university to do workshops for incoming Graduate Teaching Assistants on teaching ...

  6. SENR Career Services: Employers

    ways in which we can help your organization engage with ENR Buckeyes:  Host a skill-building workshop ...

  7. Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification

    9:00am- 12:00pm Secrest Welcome and Education Center 2122 Williams Rd Wooster, OH 44691 Registration ...

  8. Ippolito Research Team

    policies. In this role, Russell regularly conducted strategic planning workshops and events with municipal ... coordinating events, workshops, festivals, and conferences, as well as facilitating public meetings and group ... collection efforts. 5. Sugarbeet Rolodex: Creation of a public hub site to help sugar beet researchers across ...

  9. Phishing And Smishing: Get Familiar and Avoid Tax Time Scams

    are looking for a way to cheat the system. These preparers file false and fraudulent tax returns and ... information to see a copy of any notice or letter in your file. There is also a section of the IRS website ... FTC. About 2.6 million reports were filed. One in four people reported losing money to scams, with ...

  10. School Celebrates Graduates

    braid to wear over their gown at commencement. View photo gallery of recognition reception, award ...
