
Search results

  1. Volunteering Is Good for the Soul

    a week, filing papers at your kid’s school, or volunteer one hour a week at your local boys and girls club ...

  2. Photos from the CFAES Gender Initiative Symposium 2017

    The second CFAES Gender Initiative Symposium took place March 30, 2017 Welcome and Opening by Dr. Terry Niblack Kathryn Lowell, CEO Image Matters presents Maximizing Your Personal Brand Keys for Success: Maximizing Your Personal Brand- Presentation given ...

  3. Putting your Garden to Bed for the Winter

    this year’s garden litter.  Those old vines and stems provide overwintering sites for insects and ...

  4. Citizenship Washington Focus

    speakers, participate in educational workshops and assemblies that increase individual commitment to citizen ...

  5. Photos from the CFAES Gender Initiative Symposium 2016

    The first CFAES Gender Initiative Symposium took place on February 16, 2016. Welcome and Opening Dr. Sandy Velleman introducing the keynote speaker, Dr. Christine Daughtery Remarks from Acting Dean, Ron Hendrick Keynote address by Dr. Christine Daugherty ...

  6. Ohio Achievement Report Form Workshop

    RSVP prior to 4:30 pm on November 28, 2016 by calling our office at 513-887-3722 or email: ...

  7. Food Preservation: Canning Basics Workshop


  8. Winter Tree ID Workshop

    Winter Tree ID Brochure ...

  9. Grazing Basics: How Grazing Can Work For You Workshop

    Grazing Basics:  How Grazing Can Work For You Brochure ...

  10. HTST Pasteurization Workshop

    The two-day pasteurization seminar that gives participants an overview of the concepts of pasteurization, equipment, fail-safe devices, functions and regulatory applications, design and function as related to time, temperature and pressure of the HTST (Hi ...
