
Search results

  1. Watching the Weinland Park transformation from your front porch

    home on Grant Avenue across the street from the former Columbus Coated Fabrics site, Charles and Melody ...

  2. Commercial Grape and Wine Workshop ~ A practical Approach

    for a daylong workshop and learn the basics of grapevine propagation techniques, vineyard management, ...

  3. Register NOW for the Franklin County 4H Camp!

    Inspirational Site, Team Challenge Course, Sports Field, and the Leadership Hall, a 4,800 square foot air ...

  4. Chadwick Plant Sale

    ticketed. Vivian Hall Lot (SW corner of Lane and Fyffe Road. Click here for a pdf version of the parking ...

  5. Pruning Workshop- AARS Kingsville

    The second of two pruning workshops will be hosted by AARS- Kingsville.  The potential for very ...

  6. Pruning Workshop- RSV

    The first of two pruning workshops will be hosted by Rockside Vineyard.  The potential for very ...

  7. Columbus Local Foods Week August 9-15, 2015

    Workshop for Urban Food Producers,  7:00 p.m., St. Vincent De Paul Family Life Garden, 2875 E. Livingston ...

  8. Eligibility to Drive OARDC Vehicles

    Emeritus professors unless they are employed by OARDC/OSU and receive an OSU paycheck. 2. Secrest Arboretum ...

  9. Feb. 29 Deadline for Green Fair Sponsors, Exhibitors

    Workshop. By being a sponsor or exhibitor at the fair, businesses, companies and agencies can “demonstrate ... equipment rental, advertising and promotion, facility charges for the Renewable Energy Workshop, and some of ...

  10. Policies & Procedures

    Additionally, larger items needing to be disposed of can be placed in the dumpster located at the dump site on ... Secrest Road. Contact the Environmental Health & Safety Office at extension 3663 for the disposal of ...
